TFS Agent Setup


PowerShell ISE .\config.cmd gets stuck at Connect:

Documentation suggests that you can run .\config.cmd from elevated PowerShell ISE.
This appears to get stuck at Connect:

Use Elevated VS Command prompt instead works.


Build: No agent found in pool Default which satisfies the specified demands:

Agent.Verion -gtVersion 2.115.0

Solution: Install Visual Studio.
Then I used a VS command prompt elevated as administrator to reconfigure the agent by using:
.\config.cmd remove


Build Failed: Failed to retrieve information about ‘NETStandard.Library’ from remote source ‘\\<old-server>’

Resolution was not to install .Net Core SDK
It was that the domain had changed and NuGet could no longer see the old packages UNC
Short-term resolution:
Include the packages in source control explorer
Remove the unavailable location from nuget.config

Long-term resolution:
Would be to move the packages to a new accessible location



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